Introduction ------------ This GNOME Shell Extension aims to display information to center box. Using DBUS protocol, any application can add or remove text and icons in the upper bar, right after date & clock. Installation ------------ Create a symbolic link from your _.local_ directory and enable extension ln -s $PWD/generic-monitor@gnome-shell-extensions/ ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ gnome-extensions enable generic-monitor@gnome-shell-extensions Restart GNOME DBUS protocol ------------- All functions read JSON formatted parameters notify(): { "group": "groupname", // style and icon-style are optional // item can have text and/or icon "items": [ { "name":"", "text":"", "style":"", "icon-style":"", "icon":"", }, ... ] } } deleteItems(): { "items": ["@", ...] } deleteGroups(): { "groups": ["", ...] } Example ------- You can test it with command line : gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /com/soutade/GenericMonitor --method com.soutade.GenericMonitor.notify '{"group":"new","items":[{"name":"first","text":"Hello","style":"color:green"}]}' gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /com/soutade/GenericMonitor --method com.soutade.GenericMonitor.deleteGroups '{"groups":["new"]}' Python example is available Development ----------- After doing code update, you can test it within a nested window. In other cases you have to restart GNOME. dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested [--wayland] To see log & errors : journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell Licence ------- GNU GPL 3