/* Copyright 2010-2012 Grégory Soutadé This file is part of KissCount. KissCount is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KissCount is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with KissCount. If not, see . */ #include "SnapshotsDialog.hpp" #include #include #include SnapshotsDialog::SnapshotsDialog(KissCount* kiss, wxUI *parent) : QDialog(0, Qt::Dialog), _kiss(kiss), _wxUI(parent) { QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout; QVBoxLayout *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout; setWindowTitle(_("Snapshots")); setModal(true); setLayout(vbox); _snapshots = new QListWidget(this); hbox->addWidget(_snapshots); QPushButton* buttonCreate = new QPushButton(_("Create snapshot")); QPushButton* buttonDelete = new QPushButton(_("Delete snapshot")); QPushButton* buttonBackTo = new QPushButton(_("Back to this snapshot")); connect(buttonCreate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCreate())); connect(buttonDelete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnDelete())); connect(buttonBackTo, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBackTo())); vbox2->addWidget(buttonCreate); vbox2->addWidget(buttonDelete); vbox2->addWidget(buttonBackTo); hbox->addLayout(vbox2); QPushButton* ok = new QPushButton(_("OK")); connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnOK())); vbox->addLayout(hbox); vbox->addWidget(ok); LoadFiles(); } void SnapshotsDialog::LoadFiles() { QDir dir(Database::GetDatabaseHome()); QStringList res; QStringList::const_iterator it; res << Database::GetDatabaseFile() + ".bak.????.??.??*"; dir.setNameFilters(res); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files); dir.setSorting(QDir::Name); res.clear(); res = dir.entryList(); _snapshots->clear(); for(it=res.begin(); it!=res.end(); it++) { QString item = it->right(it->size()-Database::GetDatabaseFile().size()-5); new QListWidgetItem(item, _snapshots); } } void SnapshotsDialog::OnCreate() { QDir dir(Database::GetDatabaseHome()); QString bak, bak2, v ; QDate curDate = QDate::currentDate(); int i; bak = Database::GetDatabaseFile() + ".bak."; bak += v.sprintf("%d.%02d.%02d", curDate.year(), curDate.month(), curDate.day()); if (dir.exists(bak)) { bak2 = bak; for(i=2; dir.exists(bak2); i++) { bak2 = bak + "_" + QString::number(i); } bak = bak2; } QFile file(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + Database::GetDatabaseFile()); if (file.copy(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + bak)) { new QListWidgetItem(bak.right(bak.size()-Database::GetDatabaseFile().size()-5), _snapshots); QMessageBox::information(0, "KissCount", bak + _(" successfully created")); } else { QMessageBox::critical(0, _("Error"), _("Unable to create ") + Database::GetDatabaseHome() + bak); } } void SnapshotsDialog::OnDelete() { QString filename ; QListWidgetItem * item = _snapshots->currentItem(); if (!item) return; filename = Database::GetDatabaseFile() + ".bak." + item->text(); QFile file(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + filename); if (!file.exists()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, _("Error"), filename + _(" does not exist")); return; } if (QMessageBox::question(0, "KissCount", _("Are you sure want to delete ") + filename + " ?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return; if (!file.remove()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, _("Error"), _("Unable to remove ") + filename); return; } QMessageBox::information(0, "KissCount", filename + _(" successfully removed")); delete _snapshots->takeItem(_snapshots->currentRow()); } void SnapshotsDialog::OnBackTo() { QString filename, defaultFilename ; QListWidgetItem * item = _snapshots->currentItem(); QString user; std::list users; std::list::iterator it; if (!item) return; filename = Database::GetDatabaseFile() + ".bak." + item->text(); defaultFilename = Database::GetDatabaseFile(); QFile file(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + filename); QFile defaultFile(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + defaultFilename); if (!file.exists()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, _("Error"), filename + _(" does not exist")); return; } if (QMessageBox::question(0, "KissCount", _("Are you sure want to come back to ") + filename + " ?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return; if (!defaultFile.remove()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, _("Error"), _("Unable to remove ") + defaultFilename); return; } if (file.copy(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + defaultFilename)) user = _kiss->GetUser()->_name; _kiss->ChangeDatabase(Database::GetDatabaseHome() + defaultFilename); users = _kiss->GetUsers(); for(it=users.begin(); it!=users.end(); it++) { if (*it == user) { _kiss->LoadUser(user); QMessageBox::information(0, "KissCount", _("Welcome back to ") + filename); } } close(); if (it == users.end()) { _wxUI->KillMe(); // Clear all panels QMessageBox::information(0, "KissCount", _("Welcome back to ") + filename); _wxUI->ChangeUser(); } } void SnapshotsDialog::OnOK() { close(); }