Add full IPV6 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
IP_DATA = ../src/ip_data.c
PROVIDERS = afrinic arin apnic lacnic ripencc
DEST = prefix_res_ipv4
DEST = prefix_res
MD5 = $(addsuffix .md5,$(PROVIDERS))
all: clean_md5 $(MD5) $(IP_DATA)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $(PROVIDERS):
@md5sum -c $@ || wget "$(basename $@)/delegated-$(basename $@)-extended-latest" -O $(basename $@) ; true
@cat $(PROVIDERS) | grep -v asn | grep -v summary | grep -v '#' | grep ipv4 | sort -n -k 4 -t '|' > $(DEST)
@cat $(PROVIDERS) | grep -v asn | grep -v summary | grep -v '#' | grep ipv[46] | sort -n -k 4 -t '|' > $(DEST)
@echo "Rebuild ip_data.c"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IP_TYPE_INDEX=2
class IP_ELEMENT(object):
class IP_ELEMENT(object):
def __init__(self, start, end=None, size=0, country_code=None, level=0):
self._start = start
self._end = end
@ -22,39 +22,38 @@ class IP_ELEMENT(object):
if not self._end: self._compute_last_ip()
self._splitted_start = IP_ELEMENT.split_ip(self._start)
self._splitted_end = IP_ELEMENT.split_ip(self._end)
self._splitted_start = self.split_ip(self._start)
self._splitted_end = self.split_ip(self._end)
def split_ip(self, ip):
return [int(x, self._base) for x in ip.split(self._separator)]
def ip_to_str(self, int_ip):
res = []
for i in range(0, self.get_ip_len()):
res.insert(0, self._format % int((int_ip >> (i*8)) & 0xFF))
return self._separator.join(res)
def ip_array_to_int(self, array):
val = 0
for i in range(0, len(array)):
val += array[len(array)-i-1] << (i*8)
return val
def ip_to_int(self, str_ip):
return self.ip_array_to_int(self.split_ip(str_ip))
def make_group(self):
ip_val = self._splitted_start[::]
for i in range(self._level+1, self.get_ip_len()):
ip_val[i] = 0
return self._separator.join([self._format % x for x in ip_val])
def name(self):
return 'ip__%s__%s' %(self._start.replace(self._separator, '_'), self._end.replace(self._separator, '_'))
def _compute_last_ip(self):
size = self._size
end_ip = IP_ELEMENT.ip_to_int(self._start)
for i in range(0,4):
if not size: break # We can have _size == 0
end_ip += (((size % 256)-1) & 0xFF) << (i*8)
size = int(size/256)
self._end = IP_ELEMENT.ip_to_str(end_ip)
# print '%s + %d -> %s' % (self._start, self._size, self._end)
def split_ip(ip):
return [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')]
def ip_to_int(str_ip):
splitted_ip = IP_ELEMENT.split_ip(str_ip)
val = splitted_ip[0] << 24
val += splitted_ip[1] << 16
val += splitted_ip[2] << 8
val += splitted_ip[3] << 0
return val
def ip_to_str(int_ip):
val = '%d.' % (int((int_ip >> 24) & 0xFF))
val += '%d.' % (int((int_ip >> 16) & 0xFF))
val += '%d.' % (int((int_ip >> 8) & 0xFF))
val += '%d' % (int((int_ip >> 0) & 0xFF))
return val
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_next(self, ip):
self._next = ip
@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ class IP_ELEMENT(object):
def set_level(self, level):
self._level = level
def name(self):
return 'ip__%s__%s' %(self._start.replace('.', '_'), self._end.replace('.', '_'))
def printme(self):
print 'static const ip_level %s = {' % (
print '\t.prev = %s,' % (self._prev and '&%s' % ( or 'NULL')
@ -85,13 +81,76 @@ class IP_ELEMENT(object):
print '\t.code = %d,' % (self._country_code and self._country_code or 0)
print '};'
countries = []
ip_idx = [0] * 255
cur_ip_prefix = 1
cur_idx = 0
def get_ip_len(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
f = open("prefix_res_ipv4")
array_vals = {}
def __init__(self, start, end=None, size=0, country_code=None, level=0):
self._separator = '.'
self._base = 10
self._format = '%d'
super(IP_ELEMENT4, self).__init__(start, end, size, country_code, level)
def get_ip_len(self):
return 4
def _compute_last_ip(self):
size = self._size
end_ip = self.ip_to_int(self._start)
while size > 0:
end_ip += (((size % 256)-1) & 0xFF) << (i*8)
size = int(size/256)
i += 1
self._end = self.ip_to_str(end_ip)
# print '%s + %d -> %s' % (self._start, self._size, self._end)
def __init__(self, start, end=None, size=0, country_code=None, level=0):
self._separator = ':'
self._base = 16
self._format = '%02x'
super(IP_ELEMENT6, self).__init__(start, end, size, country_code, level)
def get_ip_len(self):
return 16
def _get_mask(self):
mask = 0
for i in range(0, self._size):
mask += 1 << i
mask <<= 128-self._size
return mask
def _compute_last_ip(self):
if self._size == 0:
self._end = self._start[:]
mask = self._get_mask()
self._end = self.ip_to_str(self.ip_to_int(self._start) | ~mask)
def extend_ipv6(ipv6):
tmp = ''
for s in ipv6.split(':'):
if not s: break
while len(s) != 4:
s = '0' + s
tmp += s
while len(tmp) < 16*2:
tmp += '0'
res = ''
for i in range(0, 15*2, 2):
res += tmp[i] + tmp[i+1] + ':'
res += tmp[30] + tmp[31]
return res
countries = []
f = open("prefix_res")
array_vals_ipv4 = {}
array_vals_ipv6 = {}
while True:
l = f.readline()
# l = sys.stdin.readline()
@ -108,27 +167,23 @@ while True:
ip = information[IP_INDEX]
splitted_ip = ip.split('.')
int_ip = int(splitted_ip[0]) << 24
int_ip += int(splitted_ip[1]) << 16
int_ip += int(splitted_ip[2]) << 8
int_ip += int(splitted_ip[3]) << 0
interval_size = int(information[IP_SIZE_INDEX])
array_vals[ip] = IP_ELEMENT(ip, None, interval_size, country_idx)
if information[IP_TYPE_INDEX] == 'ipv4':
array_vals_ipv4[ip] = IP_ELEMENT4(ip, None, int(information[IP_SIZE_INDEX]), country_idx)
elif information[IP_TYPE_INDEX] == 'ipv6':
ip = extend_ipv6(ip)
array_vals_ipv6[ip] = IP_ELEMENT6(ip, None, int(information[IP_SIZE_INDEX]), country_idx)
sys.stderr.write('Unknown IP type %s\n' % (information[IP_TYPE_INDEX]))
print '/* This file was automatically generated, do not edit it ! */'
print '#include <stdint.h>\n\n'
def ip_sort(a, b):
for i in range(0, 4):
for i in range(0, len(a._splitted_start)):
if a._splitted_start[i] != b._splitted_start[i]:
return a._splitted_start[i] - b._splitted_start[i]
return 0
ip_list = array_vals.values()
def get_interval(root, intervals, level):
new_intervals = []
for ip in intervals:
@ -183,10 +238,7 @@ def manage_root(root, intervals, level):
for ip in sub_interval:
ip_val = IP_ELEMENT.ip_to_int(cur_ip._start)
for i in range(level, 3):
ip_val &= ~(0xFF << ((2-i)*8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
new_group = IP_ELEMENT(IP_ELEMENT.ip_to_str(ip_val), level=level)
new_group = cur_ip.__class__(cur_ip.make_group(), level=level)
sub_interval.insert(0, cur_ip)
child = manage_root(cur_ip._splitted_start[level+1], sub_interval, level+1)
@ -215,35 +267,40 @@ def print_ip(ip):
while cur_ip:
cur_ip = cur_ip._next
start_idx = 0
end_idx = start_idx+1
cur_interval = [ip_list[start_idx]]
root = ip_list[start_idx]._splitted_start[0]
root_ips = [None] * 256
while True:
if end_idx >= len(ip_list): break
if ip_list[end_idx]._splitted_start[0] != root:
start_idx = end_idx
res = manage_root(root, cur_interval, 1)
root_ips[res._splitted_start[0]] = res
cur_interval = [ip_list[end_idx]]
root = ip_list[start_idx]._splitted_start[0]
end_idx += 1
res = manage_root(root, cur_interval, 1)
def build_array(ip_list, array_name):
start_idx = 0
end_idx = start_idx+1
cur_interval = [ip_list[start_idx]]
root = ip_list[start_idx]._splitted_start[0]
root_ips = [None] * 256
print 'static const ip_level* s_root_ip[256] = {'
for i in range(0, 256):
if root_ips[i]:
print '\t&%s,' % (root_ips[i].name())
print '\tNULL, // %d' % (i)
print '};\n'
while True:
if end_idx >= len(ip_list): break
if ip_list[end_idx]._splitted_start[0] != root:
start_idx = end_idx
res = manage_root(root, cur_interval, 1)
root_ips[res._splitted_start[0]] = res
cur_interval = [ip_list[end_idx]]
root = ip_list[start_idx]._splitted_start[0]
end_idx += 1
res = manage_root(root, cur_interval, 1)
print '\nstatic const ip_level* %s[256] = {' % (array_name)
for i in range(0, 256):
if root_ips[i]:
print '\t&%s,' % (root_ips[i].name())
print '\tNULL, // %d' % (i)
print '};\n'
build_array(array_vals_ipv4.values(), 's_root_ipv4')
build_array(array_vals_ipv6.values(), 's_root_ipv6')
print 'static const uint8_t country_codes[][3] = {'
for cc in countries:
@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ const uint8_t* ip_to_geo(uint8_t* ip, unsigned ip_size)
const ip_level* first_level;
if (ip_size == 4)
first_level = s_root_ip[ip[0]];
first_level = s_root_ipv4[ip[0]];
else if (ip_size == 16)
first_level = s_root_ipv6[ip[0]];
return NULL;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user