v0.6 (04/11/2022) ** User ** Replace track_users by filter_users plugins which can itnerpret conditional filters from configuration Don't save all visitors requests into database (save space and computing). Can be changed in deufalt_conf.py with keep_requests value Replace -c argument by config file. Now clean output is -C Add favicon Be more strict with robots : requires at least 1 hit per viewed page ** Dev ** Update data from AWStats Add Geo IP location information Normalize URL before counting in stats Update feed detector : check 'feed', 'rss' or 'atom' string in user agent Move code to Python 3 ** Bugs ** v0.5 (15/04/2020) ** User ** Add --dry-run (-D) argument Add more rules for robot detection : More than ten 404 pages viewed No page and no Hit Pages without hit New format for (not_)viewed pages/hits and bandwidth that are now recorded by day (in a dictionnary were only element 0 is initialized). Element 0 is the total. WARNING : not backward compatible with previous databases. Sync data with awstat (develop branch : 7.7+) Make backup before compressing (low memory servers) Add top_pages_diff plugin Add IP exclusion feature ** Dev ** Use cPickle instead of pickle Don't save all robots requests (only first pass is kept) which allow to save a large amount of memory/disk space Handle URLs with empty referer Don't try to find search engine on robots ** Bugs ** Fix KeyError : geo attribute can not exists Call post hook plugins even in display only mode v0.4 (29/01/2017) ** User ** Remove crawlers from feed parsers Add display only switch (-p) Add robot bandwidth display plugin ** Dev ** ** Bugs ** for robots, we have to use not_viewed_pages (feeds plugin) gz files were not generated due to bad time comparison Database compression could lead to altered files v0.3 (12/04/2016) ** User ** Add referers_diff display plugin Add year statistics in month details Add analysis duration Add browsers detection Add operating systems detection Add track users plugin Add feeds plugin Add _append feature to conf.py Add hours_stats plugin Add display/top_downloads_diff plugin Can specify multiple files to analyze Add reset feature Add gz files support Add -z option (don't compress databases) Add own search enfines files Do reverse DNS on feeds parsers Add IPToGeo plugin ** Dev ** Add istats_diff interface Sort documentation output Add debug traces in robots plugin Update awstats data Remove double slashes at the end of URL Remove final slashes for referrers Add alt attribute for all img tag ** Bugs ** Forgot tag Bad UTC time computation Hits/pages in the same second were not analyzed Last day of month was skipped