* iwla.py * plugins/display/all_visits.py * plugins/display/browsers.py * plugins/display/feeds.py * plugins/display/hours_stats.py * plugins/display/ip_to_geo.py * plugins/display/istats_diff.py * plugins/display/operating_systems.py * plugins/display/referers_diff.py * plugins/display/referers.py * plugins/display/top_downloads_diff.py * plugins/display/top_downloads.py * plugins/display/top_hits.py * plugins/display/top_pages.py * plugins/display/top_visitors.py * plugins/display/track_users.py * plugins/post_analysis/browsers.py * plugins/post_analysis/feeds.py * plugins/post_analysis/hours_stats.py * plugins/post_analysis/ip_to_geo.py * plugins/post_analysis/iptogeo.py * plugins/post_analysis/operating_systems.py * plugins/post_analysis/referers.py * plugins/post_analysis/reverse_dns.py * plugins/post_analysis/top_downloads.py * plugins/post_analysis/top_hits.py * plugins/post_analysis/top_pages.py * plugins/pre_analysis/page_to_hit.py * plugins/pre_analysis/robots.py iwla ---- Main class IWLA Parse Log, compute them, call plugins and produce output For now, only HTTP log are valid Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : analyzed_filename domain_name locales_path compress_output_files* Output files : DB_ROOT/meta.db DB_ROOT/year/month/iwla.db OUTPUT_ROOT/index.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/_stats.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : meta : last_time start_analysis_time stats => year => month => viewed_bandwidth not_viewed_bandwidth viewed_pages viewed_hits nb_visits nb_visitors month_stats : viewed_bandwidth not_viewed_bandwidth viewed_pages viewed_hits nb_visits days_stats : day => viewed_bandwidth not_viewed_bandwidth viewed_pages viewed_hits nb_visits nb_visitors visits : remote_addr => remote_addr remote_ip viewed_pages viewed_hits not_viewed_pages not_viewed_hits bandwidth last_access requests => [fields_from_format_log] extract_request => http_method http_uri http_version extract_uri extract_parameters* extract_referer* => extract_uri extract_parameters* robot hit_only is_page valid_visitors: month_stats without robot and hit only visitors (if not conf.count_hit_only_visitors) Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.all_visits -------------------------- Display hook Create All visits page Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : display_visitor_ip* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/all_visits.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.browsers ------------------------ Display hook Create browsers page Plugin requirements : post_analysis/browsers Conf values needed : max_browsers_displayed* create_browsers_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/browsers.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.feeds --------------------- Display hook Display feeds parsers Plugin requirements : post_analysis/feeds Conf values needed : create_all_feeds_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/all_feeds.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.hours_stats --------------------------- Display hook Display statistics by hour/week day Plugin requirements : post_analysis/hours_stats Conf values needed : None Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.ip_to_geo ------------------------- Display hook Add geo statistics Plugin requirements : post_analysis/ip_to_geo Conf values needed : create_geo_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.istats_diff --------------------------- Display hook interface Enlight new and updated statistics Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.operating_systems --------------------------------- Display hook Add operating systems statistics Plugin requirements : post_analysis/operating_systems Conf values needed : create_families_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.referers_diff ----------------------------- Display hook Enlight new and updated key phrases in in all_key_phrases.html Plugin requirements : display/referers Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.referers ------------------------ Display hook Create Referers page Plugin requirements : post_analysis/referers Conf values needed : max_referers_displayed* create_all_referers_page* max_key_phrases_displayed* create_all_key_phrases_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/referers.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/key_phrases.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.top_downloads_diff ---------------------------------- Display hook Enlight new and updated downloads in in top_downloads.html Plugin requirements : display/top_downloads Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.top_downloads ----------------------------- Display hook Create TOP downloads page Plugin requirements : post_analysis/top_downloads Conf values needed : max_downloads_displayed* create_all_downloads_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/top_downloads.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.top_hits ------------------------ Display hook Create TOP hits page Plugin requirements : post_analysis/top_hits Conf values needed : max_hits_displayed* create_all_hits_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/top_hits.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.top_pages ------------------------- Display hook Create TOP pages page Plugin requirements : post_analysis/top_pages Conf values needed : max_pages_displayed* create_all_pages_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/top_pages.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.top_visitors ---------------------------- Display hook Create TOP visitors block Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : display_visitor_ip* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.display.track_users --------------------------- Display hook Track users Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : tracked_ip create_tracked_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/tracked_users.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.browsers ------------------------------ Post analysis hook Detect browser information from requests Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : visits : remote_addr => browser month_stats : browsers => browser => count Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.feeds --------------------------- Post analysis hook Find feeds parsers (first hit in feeds conf value and no viewed pages if it's a robot) If there is ony one hit per day to a feed, merge feeds parsers with the same user agent as it must be the same person with a different IP address. Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : feeds merge_one_hit_only_feeds_parsers* Output files : None Statistics creation : remote_addr => feed_parser Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.hours_stats --------------------------------- Post analysis hook Count pages, hits and bandwidth by hour/week day Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : month_stats: hours_stats => 00 .. 23 => pages hits bandwidth days_stats => 0 .. 6 => pages hits bandwidth Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.ip_to_geo ------------------------------- Post analysis hook Get country code from IP address Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : iptogeo_remote_addr* iptogeo_remote_port* Output files : None Statistics creation : geo => country_code => count None Statistics update : valid_visitors: country_code Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.iptogeo ----------------------------- plugins.post_analysis.operating_systems --------------------------------------- Post analysis hook Detect operating systems from requests Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : visits : remote_addr => operating_system month_stats : operating_systems => operating_system => count os_families => family => count Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.referers ------------------------------ Post analysis hook Extract referers and key phrases from requests Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : domain_name Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : month_stats : referers => pages => count hits => count robots_referers => pages => count hits => count search_engine_referers => pages => count hits => count key_phrases => phrase => count Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.reverse_dns --------------------------------- Post analysis hook Replace IP by reverse DNS names Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : reverse_dns_timeout* Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : valid_visitors: remote_addr dns_name_replaced dns_analyzed Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.top_downloads ----------------------------------- Post analysis hook Count TOP downloads Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : month_stats: top_downloads => uri => count Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.top_hits ------------------------------ Post analysis hook Count TOP hits Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : month_stats: top_hits => uri => count Statistics deletion : None plugins.post_analysis.top_pages ------------------------------- Post analysis hook Count TOP pages Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : None Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : month_stats: top_pages => uri => count Statistics deletion : None plugins.pre_analysis.page_to_hit -------------------------------- Pre analysis hook Change page into hit and hit into page into statistics Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : page_to_hit_conf* hit_to_page_conf* Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : visits : remote_addr => is_page Statistics deletion : None plugins.pre_analysis.robots --------------------------- Pre analysis hook Filter robots Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : page_to_hit_conf* hit_to_page_conf* Output files : None Statistics creation : None Statistics update : visits : remote_addr => robot Statistics deletion : None