#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import time import pickle import gzip import importlib from calendar import monthrange import default_conf as conf import conf as _ conf.__dict__.update(_.__dict__) del _ from iplugin import * from display import * class IWLA(object): ANALYSIS_CLASS = 'HTTP' API_VERSION = 1 def __init__(self): print '==> Start' self.meta_infos = {} self.analyse_started = False self.current_analysis = {} self.cache_plugins = {} self.display = DisplayHTMLBuild() self.valid_visitors = None self.log_format_extracted = re.sub(r'([^\$\w])', r'\\\g<1>', conf.log_format) self.log_format_extracted = re.sub(r'\$(\w+)', '(?P<\g<1>>.+)', self.log_format_extracted) self.http_request_extracted = re.compile(r'(?P\S+) (?P\S+) (?P\S+)') self.log_re = re.compile(self.log_format_extracted) self.uri_re = re.compile(r'(?P[^\?]+)(\?(?P.+))?') self.plugins = [(conf.PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY , conf.pre_analysis_hooks), (conf.POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY , conf.post_analysis_hooks), (conf.DISPLAY_HOOK_DIRECTORY , conf.display_hooks)] def getConfValue(self, key, default=None): if not key in dir(conf): return default else: return conf.__dict__[key] def _clearVisits(self): self.current_analysis = { 'days_stats' : {}, 'month_stats' : {}, 'visits' : {} } self.valid_visitors = None return self.current_analysis def getDaysStats(self): return self.current_analysis['days_stats'] def getMonthStats(self): return self.current_analysis['month_stats'] def getCurrentVisists(self): return self.current_analysis['visits'] def getValidVisitors(self): return self.valid_visitors def getDisplay(self): return self.display def getCurTime(self): return self.meta_infos['last_time'] def getStartAnalysisTime(self): return self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time'] def isValidForCurrentAnalysis(self, request): cur_time = self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time'] # Analyse not started if not cur_time: return False return (time.mktime(cur_time) < time.mktime(request['time_decoded'])) def hasBeenViewed(self, request): return int(request['status']) in conf.viewed_http_codes def getCurDisplayPath(self, filename): cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] return os.path.join(str(cur_time.tm_year), str(cur_time.tm_mon), filename) def _clearMeta(self): self.meta_infos = { 'last_time' : None } return self.meta_infos def _clearDisplay(self): self.display = DisplayHTMLBuild() return self.display def getDBFilename(self, time): return os.path.join(conf.DB_ROOT, str(time.tm_year), str(time.tm_mon), conf.DB_FILENAME) def _serialize(self, obj, filename): base = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(base): os.makedirs(base) # TODO : remove return #return with open(filename + '.tmp', 'wb+') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f) f.seek(0) with gzip.open(filename, 'w') as fzip: fzip.write(f.read()) os.remove(filename + '.tmp') def _deserialize(self, filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): return None with gzip.open(filename, 'r') as f: return pickle.load(f) return None def _callPlugins(self, target_root, *args): print '==> Call plugins (%s)' % target_root for (root, plugins) in self.plugins: if root != target_root: continue for p in plugins: mod = self.cache_plugins.get(root + '.' + p, None) if mod: print '\t%s' % (p) mod.hook(*args) def isPage(self, request): for e in conf.pages_extensions: if request.endswith(e): return True return False def _appendHit(self, hit): remote_addr = hit['remote_addr'] if not remote_addr: return if not remote_addr in self.current_analysis['visits'].keys(): self._createVisitor(hit) return super_hit = self.current_analysis['visits'][remote_addr] super_hit['requests'].append(hit) super_hit['bandwidth'] += int(hit['body_bytes_sent']) super_hit['last_access'] = self.meta_infos['last_time'] request = hit['extract_request'] uri = request.get('extract_uri', request['http_uri']) hit['is_page'] = self.isPage(uri) status = int(hit['status']) if status not in conf.viewed_http_codes: return if super_hit['robot'] or\ not status in conf.viewed_http_codes: page_key = 'not_viewed_pages' hit_key = 'not_viewed_hits' else: page_key = 'viewed_pages' hit_key = 'viewed_hits' if hit['is_page']: super_hit[page_key] += 1 else: super_hit[hit_key] += 1 def _createVisitor(self, hit): super_hit = self.current_analysis['visits'][hit['remote_addr']] = {} super_hit['remote_addr'] = hit['remote_addr'] super_hit['remote_ip'] = hit['remote_addr'] super_hit['viewed_pages'] = 0 super_hit['viewed_hits'] = 0 super_hit['not_viewed_pages'] = 0 super_hit['not_viewed_hits'] = 0 super_hit['bandwidth'] = 0 super_hit['last_access'] = self.meta_infos['last_time'] super_hit['requests'] = [] super_hit['robot'] = False super_hit['hit_only'] = 0 self._appendHit(hit) def _decodeHTTPRequest(self, hit): if not 'request' in hit.keys(): return False groups = self.http_request_extracted.match(hit['request']) if groups: hit['extract_request'] = groups.groupdict() uri_groups = self.uri_re.match(hit['extract_request']['http_uri']) if uri_groups: d = uri_groups.groupdict() hit['extract_request']['extract_uri'] = d['extract_uri'] if 'extract_parameters' in d.keys(): hit['extract_request']['extract_parameters'] = d['extract_parameters'] else: print "Bad request extraction " + hit['request'] return False if hit['http_referer']: referer_groups = self.uri_re.match(hit['http_referer']) if referer_groups: hit['extract_referer'] = referer_groups.groupdict() return True def _decodeTime(self, hit): hit['time_decoded'] = time.strptime(hit['time_local'], conf.time_format) return hit['time_decoded'] def getDisplayIndex(self): cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] filename = self.getCurDisplayPath('index.html') return self.display.getPage(filename) def _generateDisplayDaysStat(self): cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] title = 'Stats %d/%d' % (cur_time.tm_mon, cur_time.tm_year) filename = self.getCurDisplayPath('index.html') print '==> Generate display (%s)' % (filename) page = DisplayHTMLPage(title, filename) days = DisplayHTMLBlockTable('By day', ['Day', 'Visits', 'Pages', 'Hits', 'Bandwidth', 'Not viewed Bandwidth']) days.setColsCSSClass(['', 'iwla_visit', 'iwla_page', 'iwla_hit', 'iwla_bandwidth', 'iwla_bandwidth']) nb_visits = 0 nb_days = 0 _, nb_month_days = monthrange(cur_time.tm_year, cur_time.tm_mon) for i in range(0, nb_month_days+1): if i in self.current_analysis['days_stats'].keys(): stats = self.current_analysis['days_stats'][i] row = [i, stats['nb_visitors'], stats['viewed_pages'], stats['viewed_hits'], bytesToStr(stats['viewed_bandwidth']), bytesToStr(stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'])] nb_visits += stats['nb_visitors'] nb_days += 1 else: row = [i, '', '', '', '', ''] days.appendRow(row) stats = self.current_analysis['month_stats'] row = [0, nb_visits, stats['viewed_pages'], stats['viewed_hits'], stats['viewed_bandwidth'], stats['not_viewed_bandwidth']] if nb_days: average_row = map(lambda(v): int(v/nb_days), row) else: average_row = map(lambda(v): 0, row) average_row[0] = 'Average' average_row[4] = bytesToStr(average_row[4]) average_row[5] = bytesToStr(average_row[5]) days.appendRow(average_row) row[0] = 'Total' row[4] = bytesToStr(row[4]) row[5] = bytesToStr(row[5]) days.appendRow(row) page.appendBlock(days) self.display.addPage(page) def _generateDisplay(self): self._generateDisplayDaysStat() self._callPlugins(conf.DISPLAY_HOOK_DIRECTORY) self.display.build(conf.DISPLAY_ROOT) def _generateStats(self, visits): stats = {} stats['viewed_bandwidth'] = 0 stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] = 0 stats['viewed_pages'] = 0 stats['viewed_hits'] = 0 #stats['requests'] = set() stats['nb_visitors'] = 0 for (k, super_hit) in visits.items(): if super_hit['robot']: stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwidth'] continue #print "[%s] =>\t%d/%d" % (k, super_hit['viewed_pages'], super_hit['viewed_hits']) if conf.count_hit_only_visitors or\ super_hit['viewed_pages']: stats['nb_visitors'] += 1 stats['viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwidth'] stats['viewed_pages'] += super_hit['viewed_pages'] stats['viewed_hits'] += super_hit['viewed_hits'] # for p in super_hit['requests']: # if not p['is_page']: continue # req = p['extract_request'] # stats['requests'].add(req['extract_uri']) return stats def _generateMonthStats(self): self._clearDisplay() visits = self.current_analysis['visits'] stats = self._generateStats(visits) cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] print "== Stats for %d/%d ==" % (cur_time.tm_year, cur_time.tm_mon) print stats self.current_analysis['month_stats'] = stats self.valid_visitors = {} for (k,v) in visits.items(): if v['robot']: continue if conf.count_hit_only_visitors and\ (not v['viewed_pages']): continue self.valid_visitors[k] = v self._callPlugins(conf.POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY) path = self.getDBFilename(cur_time) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) print "==> Serialize to %s" % path self._serialize(self.current_analysis, path) self._generateDisplay() def _generateDayStats(self): visits = self.current_analysis['visits'] self._callPlugins(conf.PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY) stats = self._generateStats(visits) cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] print "== Stats for %d/%d/%d ==" % (cur_time.tm_year, cur_time.tm_mon, cur_time.tm_mday) if cur_time.tm_mday > 1: last_day = cur_time.tm_mday - 1 while last_day: if last_day in self.current_analysis['days_stats'].keys(): break last_day -= 1 if last_day: for k in stats.keys(): stats[k] -= self.current_analysis['days_stats'][last_day][k] stats['nb_visitors'] = 0 for (k,v) in visits.items(): if v['robot']: continue if conf.count_hit_only_visitors and\ (not v['viewed_pages']): continue if v['last_access'].tm_mday == cur_time.tm_mday: stats['nb_visitors'] += 1 print stats self.current_analysis['days_stats'][cur_time.tm_mday] = stats def _newHit(self, hit): t = self._decodeTime(hit) cur_time = self.meta_infos['last_time'] if cur_time == None: self.current_analysis = self._deserialize(self.getDBFilename(t)) or self._clearVisits() self.analyse_started = True else: if not self.analyse_started: if time.mktime(t) < time.mktime(cur_time): return False else: self.analyse_started = True if cur_time.tm_mon != t.tm_mon: self._generateMonthStats() self.current_analysis = self._deserialize(self.getDBFilename(t)) or self._clearVisits() elif cur_time.tm_mday != t.tm_mday: self._generateDayStats() self.meta_infos['last_time'] = t if not self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time']: self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time'] = t if not self._decodeHTTPRequest(hit): return False for k in hit.keys(): if hit[k] == '-' or hit[k] == '*': hit[k] = '' self._appendHit(hit) return True def start(self): print '==> Load previous database' self.meta_infos = self._deserialize(conf.META_PATH) or self._clearMeta() if self.meta_infos['last_time']: self.current_analysis = self._deserialize(self.getDBFilename(self.meta_infos['last_time'])) or self._clearVisits() else: self._clearVisits() self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time'] = None self.cache_plugins = preloadPlugins(self.plugins, self) print '==> Analysing log' with open(conf.analyzed_filename) as f: for l in f: # print "line " + l groups = self.log_re.match(l) if groups: if not self._newHit(groups.groupdict()): break else: print "No match for " + l #break if self.analyse_started: self._generateDayStats() self._generateMonthStats() del self.meta_infos['start_analysis_time'] self._serialize(self.meta_infos, conf.META_PATH) else: print '==> Analyse not started : nothing to do' self._generateMonthStats() if __name__ == '__main__': iwla = IWLA() iwla.start()