# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright Grégory Soutadé 2015 # This file is part of iwla # iwla is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # iwla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with iwla. If not, see . # from iwla import IWLA from iplugin import IPlugin from display import * import awstats_data """ Display hook Track users Plugin requirements : None Conf values needed : tracked_ip create_tracked_page* Output files : OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/index.html OUTPUT_ROOT/year/month/tracked_users.html Statistics creation : None Statistics update : None Statistics deletion : None """ class IWLADisplayTrackUsers(IPlugin): def __init__(self, iwla): super(IWLADisplayTrackUsers, self).__init__(iwla) self.API_VERSION = 1 self.conf_requires = ['tracked_ip'] def load(self): self.create_tracked_page = self.iwla.getConfValue('create_tracked_page', True) self.tracked_ip = self.iwla.getConfValue('tracked_ip', []) return True def hook(self): display = self.iwla.getDisplay() hits = self.iwla.getCurrentVisists() stats = {} # All in a page if self.create_tracked_page: title = createCurTitle(self.iwla, u'Tracked users') filename = 'tracked_users.html' path = self.iwla.getCurDisplayPath(filename) page = display.createPage(title, path, self.iwla.getConfValue('css_path', [])) table = display.createBlock(DisplayHTMLBlockTable, self.iwla._(u'Tracked users'), [self.iwla._(u'Page'), self.iwla._(u'Last Access')]) for ip in self.tracked_ip: if not ip in hits.keys(): continue if 'dns_name_replaced' in hits[ip].keys(): ip_title = '%s [%s]' % (hits[ip]['remote_addr'], ip) else: ip_title = '%s' % (ip) table.appendRow([ip_title, '']) nb_hits = 0 nb_pages = 0 for r in hits[ip]['requests'][::-1]: uri = r['extract_request']['extract_uri'].lower() if not self.iwla.hasBeenViewed(r): continue if not self.iwla.isPage(uri) or\ self.iwla.isMultimediaFile(uri): nb_hits += 1 continue nb_pages += 1 uri = "%s%s" % (r.get('server_name', ''), r['extract_request']['extract_uri']) table.appendRow([generateHTMLLink(uri), time.asctime(r['time_decoded'])]) stats[ip] = (nb_pages, nb_hits) page.appendBlock(table) display.addPage(page) # Last access in index title = self.iwla._(u'Tracked users') if self.create_tracked_page: link = '%s' % (filename, self.iwla._(u'Details')) title = '%s - %s' % (title, link) index = self.iwla.getDisplayIndex() table = display.createBlock(DisplayHTMLBlockTable, title, [self.iwla._(u'IP'), self.iwla._(u'Last Access'), self.iwla._(u'Pages'), self.iwla._(u'Hits')]) for ip in self.tracked_ip: if not ip in hits.keys(): continue if 'dns_name_replaced' in hits[ip].keys(): ip_title = '%s [%s]' % (hits[ip]['remote_addr'], ip) else: ip_title = ip table.appendRow([ip_title, time.asctime(hits[ip]['last_access']), stats[ip][0], stats[ip][1]]) index.appendBlock(table)