This commit is contained in:
Grégory Soutadé 2014-11-19 19:34:16 +01:00
parent db965a8070
commit 888b481b1d
5 changed files with 156 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Basic rule to detect robots
def hook(hits):
for k in hits.keys():
super_hit = hits[k]
if super_hit['robot']: continue
isRobot = False
referers = 0
# 1) no pages view --> robot
if not super_hit['viewed_pages']:
super_hit['robot'] = 1
# 2) pages without hit --> robot
if not super_hit['viewed_hits']:
super_hit['robot'] = 1
for hit in super_hit['pages']:
# 3) /robots.txt read
if hit['extract_request']['http_uri'] == '/robots.txt':
isRobot = True
# 4) Any referer for hits
if not hit['is_page'] and hit['http_referer']:
referers += 1
if isRobot:
super_hit['robot'] = 1
if super_hit['viewed_hits'] and not referers:
super_hit['robot'] = 1

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import re
# Remove logo from indefero
logo_re = re.compile(r'^.+/logo/$')
# Basic rule to detect robots
def hook(hits):
for k in hits.keys():
super_hit = hits[k]
if super_hit['robot']: continue
for p in super_hit['pages']:
if not p['is_page']: continue
if logo_re.match(p['extract_request']['extract_uri']):
p['is_page'] = False
super_hit['viewed_pages'] -= 1
super_hit['viewed_hits'] += 1

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ import re
import time
import glob
import imp
import pickle
import gzip
from robots import awstats_robots;
print '==> Start'
meta_visit = {}
meta_visit = {'last_time':None}
analyse_started = False
current_visit = {}
log_format = '$server_name:$server_port $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' +\
@ -28,39 +31,38 @@ uri_re = re.compile(r'(?P<extract_uri>[^\?]*)[\?(?P<extract_parameters>.*)]?')
pages_extensions = ['/', 'html', 'xhtml', 'py', 'pl', 'rb', 'php']
viewed_http_codes = [200]
cur_time = None
PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY = './hooks_pre/*.py'
POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY = './hooks_post/*.py'
PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY = './hooks/pre_analysis/*.py'
POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY = './hooks/post_analysis/*.py'
DB_ROOT = './output/'
META_PATH = DB_ROOT + 'meta.db'
DB_FILENAME = 'iwla.db'
print '==> Generating robot dictionary'
awstats_robots = map(lambda (x) : re.compile(x, re.IGNORECASE), awstats_robots)
def generate_day_stats():
days_stats = {}
days_stats['viewed_bandwidth'] = 0
days_stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] = 0
days_stats['viewed_pages'] = 0
days_stats['viewed_hits'] = 0
days_stats['pages'] = set()
def get_db_filename(time):
return (DB_ROOT + '%d/%d_%s') % (time.tm_year, time.tm_mon, DB_FILENAME)
for k in current_visit.keys():
super_hit = current_visit[k]
if super_hit['robot']:
days_stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwith']
def serialize(obj, filename):
base = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(base):
days_stats['viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwith']
days_stats['viewed_pages'] += super_hit['viewed_pages']
days_stats['viewed_hits'] += super_hit['viewed_hits']
with open(filename + '.tmp', 'wb+') as f:
pickle.dump(obj, f)
with, 'w') as fzip:
os.remove(filename + '.tmp')
for p in super_hit['pages']:
if not p['is_page']: continue
req = p['extract_request']
def deserialize(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return None
return days_stats
with, 'r') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
return None
def call_plugins(path, *kwargs):
print '==> Call plugins (%s)' % path
@ -153,25 +155,79 @@ def decode_time(hit):
hit['time_decoded'] = time.strptime(t, time_format)
def generate_month_stats():
call_plugins(PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY, current_visit)
valid_visitors = {k: v for (k,v) in current_visit.items() if not current_visit[k]['robot']}
call_plugins(POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY, valid_visitors)
stats = {}
stats['viewed_bandwidth'] = 0
stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] = 0
stats['viewed_pages'] = 0
stats['viewed_hits'] = 0
stats['pages'] = set()
for k in current_visit.keys():
super_hit = current_visit[k]
if super_hit['robot']:
stats['not_viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwith']
stats['viewed_bandwidth'] += super_hit['bandwith']
stats['viewed_pages'] += super_hit['viewed_pages']
stats['viewed_hits'] += super_hit['viewed_hits']
for p in super_hit['pages']:
if not p['is_page']: continue
req = p['extract_request']
cur_time = meta_visit['last_time']
print "== Stats for %d/%d ==" % (cur_time.tm_year, cur_time.tm_mon)
print stats
path = get_db_filename(cur_time)
if os.path.exists(path):
print "==> Serialize to %s" % path
serialize(current_visit, path)
def newHit(hit):
global cur_time
if not decode_http_request(hit): return
for k in hit.keys():
if hit[k] == '-': hit[k] = ''
global current_visit
global analyse_started
t = hit['time_decoded']
meta_visit['last_time'] = t
cur_time = meta_visit['last_time']
if cur_time == None:
cur_time = t
current_visit = deserialize(get_db_filename(t))
if not current_visit: current_visit = {}
analyse_started = True
if cur_time.tm_mday != t.tm_mday:
return False
if not analyse_started:
if time.mktime(cur_time) >= time.mktime(t):
analyse_started = True
if cur_time.tm_mon != t.tm_mon:
current_visit = deserialize(get_db_filename(t))
if not current_visit: current_visit = {}
meta_visit['last_time'] = t
if not decode_http_request(hit): return False
for k in hit.keys():
if hit[k] == '-': hit[k] = ''
remote_addr = hit['remote_addr']
if remote_addr in current_visit.keys():
@ -182,6 +238,11 @@ def newHit(hit):
return True
print '==> Analysing log'
meta_visit = deserialize(META_PATH)
if not meta_visit:
meta_visit = {'last_time':None}
f = open("access.log")
for l in f:
# print "line " + l;
@ -195,19 +256,5 @@ for l in f:
print "No match " + l
call_plugins(PRE_HOOK_DIRECTORY, current_visit)
stats = generate_day_stats()
print stats
valid_visitors = {k: v for (k,v) in current_visit.items() if not current_visit[k]['robot']}
#print valid_visitors
# for ip in current_visit.keys():
# hit = current_visit[ip]
# if hit['robot']: continue
# print "%s =>" % (ip)
# for k in hit.keys():
# if k != 'pages':
# print "\t%s : %s" % (k, current_visit[ip][k])
call_plugins(POST_HOOK_DIRECTORY, valid_visitors)
serialize(meta_visit, META_PATH)