libgourou is a free implementation of Adobe's ADEPT protocol used to add DRM on ePub/PDF files. It overcome the lacks of Adobe support for Linux platforms.
Like RMSDK, libgourou has a client/server scheme. All platform specific functions (crypto, network...) has to be implemented in a client class (that derives from DRMProcessorClient) while server implements ADEPT protocol.
Areference implementation using Qt, OpenSSL and libzip is provided (in _utils_ directory).
Main fucntions to use from gourou::DRMProcessor are :
* Get an ePub from an ACSM file : _fulfill()_ and _download()_
* Create a new device : _createDRMProcessor()_
* Register a new device : _signIn()_ and _activateDevice()_
* Bookeen device : .adobe-digital-editions/device.xml, root/devkey.bin and .adobe-digital-editions/activation.xml
Or create a new one. Be careful : there is a limited number of devices that can be created bye one account.
ePub are encrypted using a shared key : one account / multiple devices, so you can create and register a device into your computer and read downloaded (and encrypted) ePub file with your eReader configured using the same AdobeID account.
For those who wants to remove DRM without adept_remove, you can export your private key and import it within [Calibre]( an its DeDRM plugin.