536 lines
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536 lines
22 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KD Chart library.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Chart licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KD Chart Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 and version 3 as published by the
** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL.txt included.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** Contact info@kdab.com if any conditions of this licensing are not
** clear to you.
#include "KDChartStockDiagram_p.h"
using namespace KDChart;
class StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter
struct ThreeDProperties {
qreal depth;
qreal angle;
bool useShadowColors;
ThreeDPainter( QPainter *p )
: painter( p ) {};
QPolygonF drawTwoDLine( const QLineF &line, const QPen &pen,
const ThreeDProperties &props );
QPolygonF drawThreeDLine( const QLineF &line, const QBrush &brush,
const QPen &pen, const ThreeDProperties &props );
QPolygonF drawThreeDRect( const QRectF &rect, const QBrush &brush,
const QPen &pen, const ThreeDProperties &props );
QPointF projectPoint( const QPointF &point, qreal depth, qreal angle ) const;
QColor calcShadowColor( const QColor &color, qreal angle ) const;
QPainter *painter;
* Projects a point in 3D space
* @param depth The distance from the point and the projected point
* @param angle The angle the projected point is rotated by around the original point
QPointF StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter::projectPoint( const QPointF &point, qreal depth, qreal angle ) const
const qreal angleInRad = DEGTORAD( angle );
const qreal distX = depth * cos( angleInRad );
// Y coordinates are reversed on our coordinate plane
const qreal distY = depth * -sin( angleInRad );
return QPointF( point.x() + distX, point.y() + distY );
* Returns the shadow color for a given color, depending on the angle of rotation
* @param color The color to calculate the shadow color for
* @param angle The angle that the colored area is rotated by
QColor StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter::calcShadowColor( const QColor &color, qreal angle ) const
// The shadow factor determines to how many percent the brightness
// of the color can be reduced. That is, the darkest shadow color
// is color * shadowFactor.
const qreal shadowFactor = 0.5;
const qreal sinAngle = 1.0 - qAbs( sin( DEGTORAD( angle ) ) ) * shadowFactor;
return QColor( qRound( color.red() * sinAngle ),
qRound( color.green() * sinAngle ),
qRound( color.blue() * sinAngle ) );
* Draws a 2D line in 3D space by painting it with a z-coordinate of props.depth / 2.0
* @param line The line to draw
* @param pen The pen to use to draw the line
* @param props The 3D properties to draw the line with
* @return The drawn line, but with a width of 2px, as a polygon
QPolygonF StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter::drawTwoDLine( const QLineF &line, const QPen &pen,
const ThreeDProperties &props )
// Restores the painting properties when destroyed
PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
// The z coordinate to use (i.e., at what depth to draw the line)
const qreal z = props.depth / 2.0;
// Projec the 2D points of the line in 3D
const QPointF deepP1 = projectPoint( line.p1(), z, props.angle );
const QPointF deepP2 = projectPoint( line.p2(), z, props.angle );
// The drawn line with a width of 2px
QPolygonF threeDArea;
// The offset of the line "borders" from the center to each side
const QPointF offset( 0.0, 1.0 );
threeDArea << deepP1 - offset << deepP2 - offset
<< deepP1 + offset << deepP2 + offset << deepP1 - offset;
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawLine( QLineF( deepP1, deepP2 ) );
return threeDArea;
* Draws an ordinary line in 3D by expanding it in the z-axis by the given depth.
* @param line The line to draw
* @param brush The brush to fill the resulting polygon with
* @param pen The pen to paint the borders of the resulting polygon with
* @param props The 3D properties to draw the line with
* @return The 3D shape drawn
QPolygonF StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter::drawThreeDLine( const QLineF &line, const QBrush &brush,
const QPen &pen, const ThreeDProperties &props )
// Restores the painting properties when destroyed
PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
const QPointF p1 = line.p1();
const QPointF p2 = line.p2();
// Project the 2D points of the line in 3D
const QPointF deepP1 = projectPoint( p1, props.depth, props.angle );
const QPointF deepP2 = projectPoint( p2, props.depth, props.angle );
// The result is a 3D representation of the 2D line
QPolygonF threeDArea;
threeDArea << p1 << p2 << deepP2 << deepP1 << p1;
// Use shadow colors if ThreeDProperties::useShadowColors is set
// Note: Setting a new color on a brush or pen does not effect gradients or textures
if ( props.useShadowColors ) {
QBrush shadowBrush( brush );
QPen shadowPen( pen );
shadowBrush.setColor( calcShadowColor( brush.color(), props.angle ) );
shadowPen.setColor( calcShadowColor( pen.color(), props.angle ) );
painter->setBrush( shadowBrush );
painter->setPen( shadowPen );
} else {
painter->setBrush( brush );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawPolygon( threeDArea );
return threeDArea;
* Draws a 3D cuboid by extending a 2D rectangle in the z-axis
* @param rect The rectangle to draw
* @param brush The brush fill the surfaces of the cuboid with
* @param pen The pen to draw the edges with
* @param props The 3D properties to use for drawing the cuboid
* @return The drawn cuboid as a polygon
QPolygonF StockDiagram::Private::ThreeDPainter::drawThreeDRect( const QRectF &rect, const QBrush &brush,
const QPen &pen, const ThreeDProperties &props )
// Restores the painting properties when destroyed
PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
// Make sure that the top really is the top
const QRectF normalizedRect = rect.normalized();
// Calculate all the four sides of the rectangle
const QLineF topSide = QLineF( normalizedRect.topLeft(), normalizedRect.topRight() );
const QLineF bottomSide = QLineF( normalizedRect.bottomLeft(), normalizedRect.bottomRight() );
const QLineF leftSide = QLineF( normalizedRect.topLeft(), normalizedRect.bottomLeft() );
const QLineF rightSide = QLineF( normalizedRect.topRight(), normalizedRect.bottomRight() );
QPolygonF drawnPolygon;
// Shorter names are easier on the eyes
const qreal angle = props.angle;
// Only top and right side is visible
if ( angle >= 0.0 && angle < 90.0 ) {
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( topSide, brush, pen, props ) );
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( rightSide, brush, pen, props ) );
// Only top and left side is visible
} else if ( angle >= 90.0 && angle < 180.0 ) {
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( topSide, brush, pen, props ) );
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( leftSide, brush, pen, props ) );
// Only bottom and left side is visible
} else if ( angle >= 180.0 && angle < 270.0 ) {
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( bottomSide, brush, pen, props ) );
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( leftSide, brush, pen, props ) );
// Only bottom and right side is visible
} else if ( angle >= 270.0 && angle <= 360.0 ) {
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( bottomSide, brush, pen, props ) );
drawnPolygon = drawnPolygon.united( drawThreeDLine( rightSide, brush, pen, props ) );
// Draw the front side
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->setBrush( brush );
painter->drawRect( normalizedRect );
return drawnPolygon;
: AbstractCartesianDiagram::Private()
StockDiagram::Private::Private( const Private& r )
: AbstractCartesianDiagram::Private( r )
* Projects a point onto the coordinate plane
* @param context The context to paint the point in
* @point The point to project onto the coordinate plane
* @return The projected point
QPointF StockDiagram::Private::projectPoint( PaintContext *context, const QPointF &point ) const
return context->coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( point.x() + 0.5, point.y() ) );
* Projects a candlestick onto the coordinate plane
* @param context The context to paint the candlestick in
* @param low The
QRectF StockDiagram::Private::projectCandlestick( PaintContext *context, const QPointF &open, const QPointF &close, qreal width ) const
const QPointF leftHighPoint = context->coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( close.x() + 0.5 - width / 2.0, close.y() ) );
const QPointF rightLowPoint = context->coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( open.x() + 0.5 + width / 2.0, open.y() ) );
const QPointF rightHighPoint = context->coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( close.x() + 0.5 + width / 2.0, close.y() ) );
return QRectF( leftHighPoint, QSizeF( rightHighPoint.x() - leftHighPoint.x(),
rightLowPoint.y() - leftHighPoint.y() ) );
void StockDiagram::Private::drawOHLCBar( const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &open,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &high,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &low,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &close,
PaintContext *context )
// Note: A row in the model is a column in a StockDiagram
const int col = low.index.row();
StockBarAttributes attr = diagram->stockBarAttributes( col );
ThreeDBarAttributes threeDAttr = diagram->threeDBarAttributes( col );
const qreal tickLength = attr.tickLength();
const QPointF leftOpenPoint( open.key + 0.5 - tickLength, open.value );
const QPointF rightOpenPoint( open.key + 0.5, open.value );
const QPointF highPoint( high.key + 0.5, high.value );
const QPointF lowPoint( low.key + 0.5, low.value );
const QPointF leftClosePoint( close.key + 0.5, close.value );
const QPointF rightClosePoint( close.key + 0.5 + tickLength, close.value );
bool reversedOrder = false;
// If 3D mode is enabled, we have to make sure the z-order is right
if ( threeDAttr.isEnabled() ) {
const int angle = threeDAttr.angle();
// Z-order is from right to left
if ( ( angle >= 0 && angle < 90 ) || ( angle >= 180 && angle < 270 ) )
reversedOrder = true;
// Z-order is from left to right
if ( ( angle >= 90 && angle < 180 ) || ( angle >= 270 && angle < 0 ) )
reversedOrder = false;
if ( reversedOrder ) {
if ( !open.hidden )
drawLine( col, leftOpenPoint, rightOpenPoint, context ); // Open marker
if ( !low.hidden && !high.hidden )
drawLine( col, lowPoint, highPoint, context ); // Low-High line
if ( !close.hidden )
drawLine( col, leftClosePoint, rightClosePoint, context ); // Close marker
} else {
if ( !close.hidden )
drawLine( col, leftClosePoint, rightClosePoint, context ); // Close marker
if ( !low.hidden && !high.hidden )
drawLine( col, lowPoint, highPoint, context ); // Low-High line
if ( !open.hidden )
drawLine( col, leftOpenPoint, rightOpenPoint, context ); // Open marker
DataValueTextInfoList list;
if ( !open.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( open.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( leftOpenPoint ), Position::South, Position::South, open.value );
if ( !high.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( high.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( highPoint ), Position::South, Position::South, high.value );
if ( !low.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( low.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( lowPoint ), Position::South, Position::South, low.value );
if ( !close.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( close.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( rightClosePoint ), Position::South, Position::South, close.value );
paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers( diagram, context, list, false );
* Draws a line connecting the low and the high value of an OHLC chart
* @param low The low data point
* @param high The high data point
* @param context The context to draw the candlestick in
void StockDiagram::Private::drawCandlestick( const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &open,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &high,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &low,
const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint &close,
PaintContext *context )
PainterSaver painterSaver( context->painter() );
// Note: A row in the model is a column in a StockDiagram, and the other way around
const int row = low.index.row();
const int col = low.index.column();
QPointF bottomCandlestickPoint;
QPointF topCandlestickPoint;
QBrush brush;
QPen pen;
bool drawLowerLine;
bool drawCandlestick = !open.hidden && !close.hidden;
bool drawUpperLine;
// Find out if we need to paint a down-trend or up-trend candlestick
// and set brush and pen accordingly
// Also, determine what the top and bottom points of the candlestick are
if ( open.value <= close.value ) {
pen = diagram->upTrendCandlestickPen( row );
brush = diagram->upTrendCandlestickBrush( row );
bottomCandlestickPoint = QPointF( open.key, open.value );
topCandlestickPoint = QPointF( close.key, close.value );
drawLowerLine = !low.hidden && !open.hidden;
drawUpperLine = !low.hidden && !close.hidden;
} else {
pen = diagram->downTrendCandlestickPen( row );
brush = diagram->downTrendCandlestickBrush( row );
bottomCandlestickPoint = QPointF( close.key, close.value );
topCandlestickPoint = QPointF( open.key, open.value );
drawLowerLine = !low.hidden && !close.hidden;
drawUpperLine = !low.hidden && !open.hidden;
StockBarAttributes attr = diagram->stockBarAttributes( col );
ThreeDBarAttributes threeDAttr = diagram->threeDBarAttributes( col );
const QPointF lowPoint = projectPoint( context, QPointF( low.key, low.value ) );
const QPointF highPoint = projectPoint( context, QPointF( high.key, high.value ) );
const QLineF lowerLine = QLineF( lowPoint, projectPoint( context, bottomCandlestickPoint ) );
const QLineF upperLine = QLineF( projectPoint( context, topCandlestickPoint ), highPoint );
// Convert the data point into coordinates on the coordinate plane
QRectF candlestick = projectCandlestick( context, bottomCandlestickPoint,
topCandlestickPoint, attr.candlestickWidth() );
// Remember the drawn polygon to add it to the ReverseMapper later
QPolygonF drawnPolygon;
// Use the ThreeDPainter class to draw a 3D candlestick
if ( threeDAttr.isEnabled() ) {
ThreeDPainter threeDPainter( context->painter() );
ThreeDPainter::ThreeDProperties threeDProps;
threeDProps.depth = threeDAttr.depth();
threeDProps.angle = threeDAttr.angle();
threeDProps.useShadowColors = threeDAttr.useShadowColors();
// If the perspective angle is within [0,180], we paint from bottom to top,
// otherwise from top to bottom to ensure the correct z order
if ( threeDProps.angle > 0.0 && threeDProps.angle < 180.0 ) {
if ( drawLowerLine )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawTwoDLine( lowerLine, pen, threeDProps );
if ( drawCandlestick )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawThreeDRect( candlestick, brush, pen, threeDProps );
if ( drawUpperLine )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawTwoDLine( upperLine, pen, threeDProps );
} else {
if ( drawUpperLine )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawTwoDLine( upperLine, pen, threeDProps );
if ( drawCandlestick )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawThreeDRect( candlestick, brush, pen, threeDProps );
if ( drawLowerLine )
drawnPolygon = threeDPainter.drawTwoDLine( lowerLine, pen, threeDProps );
} else {
QPainter *const painter = context->painter();
painter->setBrush( brush );
painter->setPen( pen );
if ( drawLowerLine )
painter->drawLine( lowerLine );
if ( drawUpperLine )
painter->drawLine( upperLine );
if ( drawCandlestick )
painter->drawRect( candlestick );
// The 2D representation is the projected candlestick itself
drawnPolygon = candlestick;
// FIXME: Add lower and upper line to reverse mapper
DataValueTextInfoList list;
if ( !low.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( low.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( lowPoint ), Position::South, Position::South, low.value );
if ( drawCandlestick ) {
// Both, the open as well as the close value are represented by this candlestick
reverseMapper.addPolygon( row, openValueColumn(), drawnPolygon );
reverseMapper.addPolygon( row, closeValueColumn(), drawnPolygon );
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( open.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( candlestick.bottomRight() ), Position::South, Position::South, open.value );
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( close.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( candlestick.topRight() ), Position::South, Position::South, close.value );
if ( !high.hidden )
appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram, list, diagram->attributesModel()->mapToSource( high.index ), 0,
PositionPoints( highPoint ), Position::South, Position::South, high.value );
paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers( diagram, context, list, false );
* Draws a line connecting two points
* @param col The column of the diagram to paint the line in
* @param point1 The first point
* @param point2 The second point
* @param context The context to draw the low-high line in
void StockDiagram::Private::drawLine( int col, const QPointF &point1, const QPointF &point2, PaintContext *context )
PainterSaver painterSaver( context->painter() );
// A row in the model is a column in the diagram
const int modelRow = col;
const int modelCol = 0;
const QPen pen = diagram->pen( col );
const QBrush brush = diagram->brush( col );
const ThreeDBarAttributes threeDBarAttr = diagram->threeDBarAttributes( col );
QPointF transP1 = context->coordinatePlane()->translate( point1 );
QPointF transP2 = context->coordinatePlane()->translate( point2 );
QLineF line = QLineF( transP1, transP2 );
if ( threeDBarAttr.isEnabled() ) {
ThreeDPainter::ThreeDProperties threeDProps;
threeDProps.angle = threeDBarAttr.angle();
threeDProps.depth = threeDBarAttr.depth();
threeDProps.useShadowColors = threeDBarAttr.useShadowColors();
ThreeDPainter painter( context->painter() );
reverseMapper.addPolygon( modelCol, modelRow, painter.drawThreeDLine( line, brush, pen, threeDProps ) );
} else {
context->painter()->setPen( pen );
//context->painter()->setBrush( brush );
reverseMapper.addLine( modelCol, modelRow, transP1, transP2 );
context->painter()->drawLine( line );
* Returns the column of the open value in the model
* @return The column of the open value
int StockDiagram::Private::openValueColumn() const
// Return an invalid column if diagram has no open values
return type == HighLowClose ? -1 : 0;
* Returns the column of the high value in the model
* @return The column of the high value
int StockDiagram::Private::highValueColumn() const
return type == HighLowClose ? 0 : 1;
* Returns the column of the low value in the model
* @return The column of the low value
int StockDiagram::Private::lowValueColumn() const
return type == HighLowClose ? 1 : 2;
* Returns the column of the close value in the model
* @return The column of the close value
int StockDiagram::Private::closeValueColumn() const
return type == HighLowClose ? 2 : 3;