
174 lines
5.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright Grégory Soutadé 2015
# This file is part of iwla
# iwla is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# iwla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with iwla. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import urllib
from iwla import IWLA
from iplugin import IPlugin
import awstats_data
# Post analysis hook
# Extract referers and key phrases from requests
# Plugin requirements :
# None
# Conf values needed :
# domain_name
# Output files :
# None
# Statistics creation :
# None
# Statistics update :
# month_stats :
# referers =>
# pages
# hits
# robots_referers =>
# pages
# hits
# search_engine_referers =>
# pages
# hits
# key_phrases =>
# phrase
# Statistics deletion :
# None
class IWLAPostAnalysisReferers(IPlugin):
def __init__(self, iwla):
super(IWLAPostAnalysisReferers, self).__init__(iwla)
self.API_VERSION = 1
self.conf_requires = ['domain_name']
def _getSearchEngine(self, hashid):
for (k, e) in self.search_engines.items():
for (h,h_re) in e['hashid']:
if hashid == h:
return k
return None
def load(self):
domain_name = self.iwla.getConfValue('domain_name', '')
if not domain_name:
print 'domain_name must not be empty !'
return False
self.own_domain_re = re.compile(r'.*%s.*' % (domain_name))
self.search_engines = {}
for (hashid, name) in awstats_data.search_engines_hashid.items():
hashid_re = re.compile(r'.*%s.*' % (hashid))
if not name in self.search_engines.keys():
self.search_engines[name] = {
'hashid' : [(hashid, hashid_re)]
self.search_engines[name]['hashid'].append((hashid, hashid_re))
#print 'Hashid %s => %s' % (name, hashid)
for (name, known_url) in awstats_data.search_engines_knwown_url.items():
self.search_engines[name]['known_url'] = re.compile(known_url + '(?P<key_phrase>.+)')
for (engine, not_engine) in awstats_data.not_search_engines_keys.items():
not_engine_re = re.compile(r'.*%s.*' % (not_engine))
key = self._getSearchEngine(engine)
if key:
self.search_engines[key]['not_search_engine'] = not_engine_re
return True
def _extractKeyPhrase(self, key_phrase_re, parameters, key_phrases):
if not parameters or not key_phrase_re: return
for p in parameters.split('&'):
groups = key_phrase_re.match(p)
if groups:
key_phrase = groups.groupdict()['key_phrase']
key_phrase = urllib.unquote_plus(key_phrase).decode('utf8')
if not key_phrase in key_phrases.keys():
key_phrases[key_phrase] = 1
key_phrases[key_phrase] += 1
def hook(self):
stats = self.iwla.getCurrentVisists()
month_stats = self.iwla.getMonthStats()
referers = month_stats.get('referers', {})
robots_referers = month_stats.get('robots_referers', {})
search_engine_referers = month_stats.get('search_engine_referers', {})
key_phrases = month_stats.get('key_phrases', {})
for (k, super_hit) in stats.items():
for r in super_hit['requests'][::-1]:
if not self.iwla.isValidForCurrentAnalysis(r): break
if not r['http_referer']: continue
uri = r['extract_referer']['extract_uri']
if self.own_domain_re.match(uri): continue
is_search_engine = False
for (name, engine) in self.search_engines.items():
for (hashid, hashid_re) in engine['hashid']:
if not hashid_re.match(uri): continue
not_engine = engine.get('not_search_engine', None)
# Try not engine
if not_engine and not_engine.match(uri): break
is_search_engine = True
uri = name
parameters = r['extract_referer'].get('extract_parameters', None)
key_phrase_re = engine.get('known_url', None)
self._extractKeyPhrase(key_phrase_re, parameters, key_phrases)
if is_search_engine:
dictionary = search_engine_referers
elif super_hit['robot']:
dictionary = robots_referers
# print '%s => %s' % (uri, super_hit['remote_ip'])
dictionary = referers
if r['is_page']:
key = 'pages'
key = 'hits'
if not uri in dictionary: dictionary[uri] = {'pages':0, 'hits':0}
dictionary[uri][key] += 1
month_stats['referers'] = referers
month_stats['robots_referers'] = robots_referers
month_stats['search_engine_referers'] = search_engine_referers
month_stats['key_phrases'] = key_phrases