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18 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KD Chart library.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Chart licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KD Chart Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 and version 3 as published by the
** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL.txt included.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are not
** clear to you.
#include "KDChartRingDiagram.h"
#include "KDChartRingDiagram_p.h"
#include "KDChartAttributesModel.h"
#include "KDChartPaintContext.h"
#include "KDChartPainterSaver_p.h"
#include "KDChartPieAttributes.h"
#include "KDChartDataValueAttributes.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <KDABLibFakes>
using namespace KDChart;
: relativeThickness( false )
, expandWhenExploded( false )
RingDiagram::Private::~Private() {}
#define d d_func()
RingDiagram::RingDiagram( QWidget* parent, PolarCoordinatePlane* plane ) :
AbstractPieDiagram( new Private(), parent, plane )
void RingDiagram::init()
* Creates an exact copy of this diagram.
RingDiagram * RingDiagram::clone() const
return new RingDiagram( new Private( *d ) );
bool RingDiagram::compare( const RingDiagram* other )const
if( other == this ) return true;
if( ! other ){
return false;
qDebug() <<"\n RingDiagram::compare():";
// compare own properties
qDebug() << (type() == other->type());
qDebug() << (relativeThickness() == other->relativeThickness());
qDebug() << (expandWhenExploded() == other->expandWhenExploded());
return // compare the base class
( static_cast<const AbstractPieDiagram*>(this)->compare( other ) ) &&
// compare own properties
(relativeThickness() == other->relativeThickness()) &&
(expandWhenExploded() == other->expandWhenExploded());
void RingDiagram::setRelativeThickness( bool relativeThickness )
d->relativeThickness = relativeThickness;
bool RingDiagram::relativeThickness() const
return d->relativeThickness;
void RingDiagram::setExpandWhenExploded( bool expand )
d->expandWhenExploded = expand;
bool RingDiagram::expandWhenExploded() const
return d->expandWhenExploded;
const QPair<QPointF, QPointF> RingDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries () const
if ( !checkInvariants( true ) ) return QPair<QPointF, QPointF>( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QPointF( 0, 0 ) );
const PieAttributes attrs( pieAttributes( model()->index( 0, 0, rootIndex() ) ) );
QPointF bottomLeft ( QPointF( 0, 0 ) );
QPointF topRight;
// If we explode, we need extra space for the pie slice that has
// the largest explosion distance.
if ( attrs.explode() ) {
const int rCount = rowCount();
const int colCount = columnCount();
qreal maxExplode = 0.0;
for( int i = 0; i < rCount; ++i ){
qreal maxExplodeInThisRow = 0.0;
for( int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j ){
const PieAttributes columnAttrs( pieAttributes( model()->index( i, j, rootIndex() ) ) );
//qDebug() << columnAttrs.explodeFactor();
maxExplodeInThisRow = qMax( maxExplodeInThisRow, columnAttrs.explodeFactor() );
maxExplode += maxExplodeInThisRow;
// FIXME: What if explode factor of inner ring is > 1.0 ?
if ( !d->expandWhenExploded )
// explode factor is relative to width (outer r - inner r) of one ring
maxExplode /= ( rCount + 1);
topRight = QPointF( 1.0+maxExplode, 1.0+maxExplode );
topRight = QPointF( 1.0, 1.0 );
return QPair<QPointF, QPointF> ( bottomLeft, topRight );
void RingDiagram::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
QPainter painter ( viewport() );
PaintContext ctx;
ctx.setPainter ( &painter );
ctx.setRectangle( QRectF ( 0, 0, width(), height() ) );
paint ( &ctx );
void RingDiagram::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* )
static QRectF buildReferenceRect( const PolarCoordinatePlane* plane )
QRectF contentsRect;
QPointF referencePointAtTop = plane->translate( QPointF( 1, 0 ) );
QPointF temp = plane->translate( QPointF( 0, 0 ) ) - referencePointAtTop;
const double offset = temp.y();
referencePointAtTop.setX( referencePointAtTop.x() - offset );
contentsRect.setTopLeft( referencePointAtTop );
contentsRect.setBottomRight( referencePointAtTop + QPointF( 2*offset, 2*offset) );
return contentsRect;
void RingDiagram::paint( PaintContext* ctx )
// note: Not having any data model assigned is no bug
// but we can not draw a diagram then either.
if ( !checkInvariants(true) )
const PieAttributes attrs( pieAttributes() );
const int rCount = rowCount();
const int colCount = columnCount();
QRectF contentsRect( buildReferenceRect( polarCoordinatePlane() ) );
contentsRect = ctx->rectangle();
if( contentsRect.isEmpty() )
DataValueTextInfoList list;
d->startAngles = QVector< QVector<qreal> >( rCount, QVector<qreal>( colCount ) );
d->angleLens = QVector< QVector<qreal> >( rCount, QVector<qreal>( colCount ) );
// compute position
d->size = qMin( contentsRect.width(), contentsRect.height() ); // initial size
// if the pies explode, we need to give them additional space =>
// make the basic size smaller
qreal totalOffset = 0.0;
for( int i = 0; i < rCount; ++i ){
qreal maxOffsetInThisRow = 0.0;
for( int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j ){
const PieAttributes cellAttrs( pieAttributes( model()->index( i, j, rootIndex() ) ) );
//qDebug() << cellAttrs.explodeFactor();
const qreal explode = cellAttrs.explode() ? cellAttrs.explodeFactor() : 0.0;
maxOffsetInThisRow = qMax( maxOffsetInThisRow, cellAttrs.gapFactor( false ) + explode );
if ( !d->expandWhenExploded )
maxOffsetInThisRow -= (qreal)i;
if ( maxOffsetInThisRow > 0.0 )
totalOffset += maxOffsetInThisRow;
// FIXME: What if explode factor of inner ring is > 1.0 ?
//if ( !d->expandWhenExploded )
// break;
// explode factor is relative to width (outer r - inner r) of one ring
if ( rCount > 0 )
totalOffset /= ( rCount + 1 );
d->size /= ( 1.0 + totalOffset );
qreal x = ( contentsRect.width() == d->size ) ? 0.0 : ( ( contentsRect.width() - d->size ) / 2.0 );
qreal y = ( contentsRect.height() == d->size ) ? 0.0 : ( ( contentsRect.height() - d->size ) / 2.0 );
d->position = QRectF( x, y, d->size, d->size );
d->position.translate( contentsRect.left(), );
const PolarCoordinatePlane * plane = polarCoordinatePlane();
bool atLeastOneValue = false; // guard against completely empty tables
QVariant vValY;
for ( int iRow = 0; iRow < rCount; ++iRow ) {
const qreal sum = valueTotals( iRow );
if( sum == 0.0 ) //nothing to draw
qreal currentValue = plane ? plane->startPosition() : 0.0;
const qreal sectorsPerValue = 360.0 / sum;
for ( int iColumn = 0; iColumn < colCount; ++iColumn ) {
// is there anything at all at this column?
bool bOK;
const double cellValue = qAbs( model()->data( model()->index( iRow, iColumn, rootIndex() ) )
.toDouble( &bOK ) );
if( bOK ){
d->startAngles[ iRow ][ iColumn ] = currentValue;
d->angleLens[ iRow ][ iColumn ] = cellValue * sectorsPerValue;
atLeastOneValue = true;
} else { // mark as non-existent
d->angleLens[ iRow ][ iColumn ] = 0.0;
if ( iColumn > 0.0 )
d->startAngles[ iRow ][ iColumn ] = d->startAngles[ iRow ][ iColumn - 1 ];
d->startAngles[ iRow ][ iColumn ] = currentValue;
//qDebug() << "d->startAngles["<<iColumn<<"] == " << d->startAngles[ iColumn ]
// << " + d->angleLens["<<iColumn<<"]" << d->angleLens[ iColumn ]
// << " = " << d->startAngles[ iColumn ]+d->angleLens[ iColumn ];
currentValue = d->startAngles[ iRow ][ iColumn ] + d->angleLens[ iRow ][ iColumn ];
drawOnePie( ctx->painter(), iRow, iColumn, granularity() );
#if defined ( Q_WS_WIN)
#define trunc(x) ((int)(x))
Internal method that draws one of the pies in a pie chart.
\param painter the QPainter to draw in
\param dataset the dataset to draw the pie for
\param pie the pie to draw
void RingDiagram::drawOnePie( QPainter* painter,
uint dataset, uint pie,
qreal granularity )
// Is there anything to draw at all?
const qreal angleLen = d->angleLens[ dataset ][ pie ];
if ( angleLen ) {
const QModelIndex index( model()->index( dataset, pie, rootIndex() ) );
const PieAttributes attrs( pieAttributes( index ) );
drawPieSurface( painter, dataset, pie, granularity );
void RingDiagram::resize( const QSizeF& )
Internal method that draws the surface of one of the pies in a pie chart.
\param painter the QPainter to draw in
\param dataset the dataset to draw the pie for
\param pie the pie to draw
void RingDiagram::drawPieSurface( QPainter* painter,
uint dataset, uint pie,
qreal granularity )
// Is there anything to draw at all?
qreal angleLen = d->angleLens[ dataset ][ pie ];
if ( angleLen ) {
qreal startAngle = d->startAngles[ dataset ][ pie ];
QModelIndex index( model()->index( dataset, pie, rootIndex() ) );
const PieAttributes attrs( pieAttributes( index ) );
const int rCount = rowCount();
const int colCount = columnCount();
int iPoint = 0;
QRectF drawPosition = d->position;//piePosition( dataset, pie );
painter->setRenderHint ( QPainter::Antialiasing );
painter->setBrush( brush( index ) );
painter->setPen( pen( index ) );
// painter->setPen( pen );
//painter->setPen( Qt::red );
if ( angleLen == 360 ) {
// full circle, avoid nasty line in the middle
// FIXME: Draw a complete ring here
//painter->drawEllipse( drawPosition );
} else {
bool perfectMatch = false;
qreal circularGap = 0.0;
if ( attrs.gapFactor( true ) > 0.0 )
// FIXME: Measure in degrees!
circularGap = attrs.gapFactor( true );
//qDebug() << "gapFactor=" << attrs.gapFactor( false );
QPolygonF poly;
qreal degree = 0;
qreal actualStartAngle = startAngle + circularGap;
qreal actualAngleLen = angleLen - 2 * circularGap;
qreal totalRadialExplode = 0.0;
qreal maxRadialExplode = 0.0;
qreal totalRadialGap = 0.0;
qreal maxRadialGap = 0.0;
for( uint i = rCount - 1; i > dataset; --i ){
qreal maxRadialExplodeInThisRow = 0.0;
qreal maxRadialGapInThisRow = 0.0;
for( int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j ){
const PieAttributes cellAttrs( pieAttributes( model()->index( i, j, rootIndex() ) ) );
//qDebug() << cellAttrs.explodeFactor();
if ( d->expandWhenExploded )
maxRadialGapInThisRow = qMax( maxRadialGapInThisRow, cellAttrs.gapFactor( false ) );
if ( !cellAttrs.explode() )
// Don't use a gap for the very inner circle
if ( d->expandWhenExploded )
maxRadialExplodeInThisRow = qMax( maxRadialExplodeInThisRow, cellAttrs.explodeFactor() );
maxRadialExplode += maxRadialExplodeInThisRow;
maxRadialGap += maxRadialGapInThisRow;
// FIXME: What if explode factor of inner ring is > 1.0 ?
//if ( !d->expandWhenExploded )
// break;
totalRadialGap = maxRadialGap + attrs.gapFactor( false );
totalRadialExplode = attrs.explode() ? maxRadialExplode + attrs.explodeFactor() : maxRadialExplode;
while ( degree <= actualAngleLen ) {
const QPointF p = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, dataset, pie, false, actualStartAngle + degree, totalRadialGap, totalRadialExplode );
poly.append( p );
degree += granularity;
if( ! perfectMatch ){
poly.append( pointOnCircle( drawPosition, dataset, pie, false, actualStartAngle + actualAngleLen, totalRadialGap, totalRadialExplode ) );
// The center point of the inner brink
const QPointF innerCenterPoint( poly[ int(iPoint / 2) ] );
actualStartAngle = startAngle + circularGap;
actualAngleLen = angleLen - 2 * circularGap;
degree = actualAngleLen;
const int lastInnerBrinkPoint = iPoint;
while ( degree >= 0 ){
poly.append( pointOnCircle( drawPosition, dataset, pie, true, actualStartAngle + degree, totalRadialGap, totalRadialExplode ) );
perfectMatch = (degree == 0);
degree -= granularity;
// if necessary add one more point to fill the last small gap
if( ! perfectMatch ){
poly.append( pointOnCircle( drawPosition, dataset, pie, true, actualStartAngle, totalRadialGap, totalRadialExplode ) );
// The center point of the outer brink
const QPointF outerCenterPoint( poly[ lastInnerBrinkPoint + int((iPoint - lastInnerBrinkPoint) / 2) ] );
//qDebug() << poly;
//find the value and paint it
//fix value position
const qreal sum = valueTotals( dataset );
painter->drawPolygon( poly );
const QPointF centerPoint = (innerCenterPoint + outerCenterPoint) / 2.0;
paintDataValueText( painter, index, centerPoint, angleLen*sum / 360 );
* Auxiliary method returning a point to a given boundary
* rectangle of the enclosed ellipse and an angle.
QPointF RingDiagram::pointOnCircle( const QRectF& rect, int dataset, int pie, bool outer, qreal angle, qreal totalGapFactor, qreal totalExplodeFactor )
qreal angleLen = d->angleLens[ dataset ][ pie ];
qreal startAngle = d->startAngles[ dataset ][ pie ];
QModelIndex index( model()->index( dataset, pie, rootIndex() ) );
const PieAttributes attrs( pieAttributes( index ) );
const int rCount = rowCount();
//const qreal gapFactor = attrs.gapFactor( false );
//qDebug() << "##" << attrs.explode();
//if ( attrs.explodeFactor() != 0.0 )
// qDebug() << attrs.explodeFactor();
qreal level = outer ? (rCount - dataset - 1) + 2 : (rCount - dataset - 1) + 1;
//maxExplode /= rCount;
//qDebug() << "dataset=" << dataset << "maxExplode=" << maxExplode;
//level += maxExplode;
const qreal offsetX = rCount > 0 ? level * rect.width() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ) : 0.0;
const qreal offsetY = rCount > 0 ? level * rect.height() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ): 0.0;
const qreal centerOffsetX = rCount > 0 ? totalExplodeFactor * rect.width() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ) : 0.0;
const qreal centerOffsetY = rCount > 0 ? totalExplodeFactor * rect.height() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ): 0.0;
const qreal gapOffsetX = rCount > 0 ? totalGapFactor * rect.width() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ) : 0.0;
const qreal gapOffsetY = rCount > 0 ? totalGapFactor * rect.height() / ( ( rCount + 1 ) * 2 ): 0.0;
qreal explodeAngleRad = DEGTORAD( angle );
qreal cosAngle = cos( explodeAngleRad );
qreal sinAngle = -sin( explodeAngleRad );
qreal explodeAngleCenterRad = DEGTORAD( startAngle + angleLen / 2.0 );
qreal cosAngleCenter = cos( explodeAngleCenterRad );
qreal sinAngleCenter = -sin( explodeAngleCenterRad );
return QPointF( ( offsetX + gapOffsetX ) * cosAngle + centerOffsetX * cosAngleCenter +,
( offsetY + gapOffsetY ) * sinAngle + centerOffsetY * sinAngleCenter + );
double RingDiagram::valueTotals() const
const int rCount = rowCount();
const int colCount = columnCount();
double total = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < rCount; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j ) {
total += qAbs(model()->data( model()->index( 0, j, rootIndex() ) ).toDouble());
//qDebug() << model()->data( model()->index( 0, j, rootIndex() ) ).toDouble();
return total;
double RingDiagram::valueTotals( int dataset ) const
const int colCount = columnCount();
double total = 0.0;
for ( int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j ) {
total += qAbs(model()->data( model()->index( dataset, j, rootIndex() ) ).toDouble());
//qDebug() << model()->data( model()->index( 0, j, rootIndex() ) ).toDouble();
return total;
double RingDiagram::numberOfValuesPerDataset() const
return model() ? model()->columnCount( rootIndex() ) : 0.0;
double RingDiagram::numberOfDatasets() const
return model() ? model()->rowCount( rootIndex() ) : 0.0;
double RingDiagram::numberOfGridRings() const
return 1;