Grégory Soutadé soutade
soutade pushed to master at soutade/iwla 2024-03-10 08:40:14 +01:00
db9009bb28 Update AWStats data (v7.9)
e2210f3eab Update geo ip misc plugin
9db72f41fd Don't analyze referer for non viewed hits/pages
0464a3d8e7 Generate HTML part in dry run mode (but don't write it to disk)
b9566beb80 Set lang value in generated HTML page
Compare 5 commits »
soutade commented on issue soutade/libgourou#2 2024-01-24 19:30:57 +01:00
Sgementation fault introduced in 0.8.4

Thanks a lot. I did not noticed it in local ! Fixed in 0.8.5

soutade closed issue soutade/libgourou#2 2024-01-24 19:30:57 +01:00
Sgementation fault introduced in 0.8.4
soutade released Libgourou v0.8.5 at soutade/libgourou 2024-01-24 19:29:33 +01:00
soutade deleted branch test from soutade/libgourou 2024-01-24 19:14:37 +01:00
soutade pushed to test at soutade/libgourou 2024-01-23 16:29:06 +01:00
89b721a153 test
soutade pushed to test at soutade/libgourou 2024-01-23 16:27:46 +01:00
soutade created branch test in soutade/libgourou 2024-01-23 16:27:45 +01:00
soutade commented on issue soutade/libgourou#1 2024-01-17 09:00:13 +01:00
adept activate: symbol lookup error


Which OS are you using ? Do you have libpugixml >=1.14 installed on your system ?

soutade pushed tag v0.8.4 to soutade/libgourou 2024-01-16 11:35:32 +01:00
soutade released Libgourou v0.8.4 at soutade/libgourou 2024-01-16 11:35:32 +01:00
soutade deleted branch empty_licenseurl from soutade/libgourou 2024-01-16 11:33:20 +01:00
soutade pushed to empty_licenseurl at soutade/libgourou 2024-01-05 10:18:33 +01:00
25598b6b72 test
soutade transferred repository Gitea/GnomeShellGenericMonitor to soutade/GnomeShellGenericMonitor 2023-12-07 13:57:42 +01:00
soutade transferred repository soutade/GnomeShellGenericMonitor to soutade/GnomeShellGenericMonitor 2023-12-07 13:51:42 +01:00
soutade commented on issue soutade/GnomeShellGenericMonitor#1 2023-12-06 16:55:05 +01:00
Gnome 45

Start working on it (blind development) using branch "gnome45"

soutade opened issue soutade/GnomeShellGenericMonitor#1 2023-12-06 16:51:44 +01:00
Gnome 45